10/30/2005 12:36:00 PM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|Pain Relief Naturally - How to Help Manage Pain by Staying Active Endorphins are produced when we are active. Endorphins are kind of like nature's answer to pain relief. They take the focus off of physical pain, since they emit a sense of intense pleasure and satisfaction. Staying active, even if it's not running marathons, is key to maintaining a pain free life. But what if my arthritis, nerve damage, or other mucsuloskeletal disorders limit my range of motion? Even if your range of motion is limited. Moderate movement is a necessity. It's what makes us feel alive, what gives us the will to live, and what makes us human. There is no better pain manager than anti-sedentay lifestyles!|W|P|113070478326135637|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/26/2005 03:46:00 PM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|herbal pain remedy Herbal Pain Remedies - The Better, Safer Way to Relieve Pain Pain is a condition that drastically inhibits the ability to live a normal, happy life, and people will pay dearly to make the pain go away. And medical science has responded swiftly and with much promotion to that call. It seems every year we are introduced to a newer, better pain relief medication that is purported to be better, faster and more effective than its predecessors. And while this may be true, it seems that more and more of these newer, better and more effective pain medications are being pulled off the shelves as fast as they were put on them due to serious health concerns coming to light after real "civilians" have taken the drug and experienced health complications. It begs the question, can't we conquer pain without compromising our other bodily functions and maintain our health in other areas, or must we always sacrifice one component of our health to reduce the greater of the two evils (always pain)? This is not true any more for people living with chronic pain, or even the type of pain that comes just often enough to be burdensome and make you a less effective, less joyful person. There have been great strides in natural medicines, and pain relief is just another example of how herbal medcine has come so far. Herbal pain remedies are creating quite a little buzz right now due to their superior pain-reducing qualities, and absence of side effects. Herbal pain remedies utilize powerful anti inflammatory agents found in nature, as well as pain receptor inhibitors that are found in various parts of herbs and botanicals in the wild. It is a precise blend of these anti inflammatory herbs and naturally pain inhibiting botanics that creates a very effective overall approach to fighting pain without side effects, and with all natural ingredients. This combination can prove very appealing to many people looking for an alternative remedy for their painful conditions. Not only that, but most people want to feel better about what they put in their body, and the thought of putting a product 100% derived from nature puts people at ease. See Natural Pain Relief Remedy for more information on how to naturally conquer pain through herbal supplementation.|W|P|113036692885159590|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/24/2005 08:21:00 AM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|Herbal Pain Remedies Herbal Pain Remedies - The Better, Safer Way to Relieve Pain Pain is a condition that drastically inhibits the ability to live a normal, happy life, and people will pay dearly to make the pain go away. And medical science has responded swiftly and with much promotion to that call. It seems every year we are introduced to a newer, better pain relief medication that is purported to be better, faster and more effective than its predecessors. And while this may be true, it seems that more and more of these newer, better and more effective pain medications are being pulled off the shelves as fast as they were put on them due to serious health concerns coming to light after real "civilians" have taken the drug and experienced health complications. It begs the question, can't we conquer pain without compromising our other bodily functions and maintain our health in other areas, or must we always sacrifice one component of our health to reduce the greater of the two evils (always pain)? This is not true any more for people living with chronic pain, or even the type of pain that comes just often enough to be burdensome and make you a less effective, less joyful person. There have been great strides in natural medicines, and pain relief is just another example of how herbal medcine has come so far. Herbal pain remedies are creating quite a little buzz right now due to their superior pain-reducing qualities, and absence of side effects. Herbal pain remedies utilize powerful anti inflammatory agents found in nature, as well as pain receptor inhibitors that are found in various parts of herbs and botanicals in the wild. It is a precise blend of these anti inflammatory herbs and naturally pain inhibiting botanics that creates a very effective overall approach to fighting pain without side effects, and with all natural ingredients. This combination can prove very appealing to many people looking for an alternative remedy for their painful conditions. Not only that, but most people want to feel better about what they put in their body, and the thought of putting a product 100% derived from nature puts people at ease. See Natural Pain Relief Remedy for more information on how to naturally conquer pain through herbal supplementation.|W|P|113016754823288424|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/21/2005 05:06:00 AM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|Bextra Taken off Market, Celebrex Gets Warning This article go into how Bextra was taken off the market fairly recently, and another NSAID, Celebrex was given a warning by the FDA following health concerns. Just more in the trouble for prescription anti inflammatory drugs. Here is an article http://my.webmd.com/content/article/104/107281.htm|W|P|112989654289659380|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/19/2005 09:41:00 AM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|Managing Your Pain Living comfortably with even moderate pain can be the hardest part of having arthritis,fibromyalgia, or a related musculoskeletal condition, but you can learn to manage it effectively and in turn minimize its impact on your life. The feeling of pain is actually your body's way of telling your brain that something is wrong or out of place. This can be anything from a small scratch, to post-surgery pain associated with points of entry and disturbance where the surgery was performed. Chronic pain, which is the type of pain associated with arthritis or fibromyalgia, is different. While it tells you that something is wrong, it often isn't as easy to relieve. Managing this type of pain is a little trickier, since it is a constant pain that is more difficult to pinpoint and often more difficult to treat, since patients usually build some sort of tolerance level to their medications. Typical Causes of Pain Sensations are: Inflammation Being Sendentary (sitting a lot/not moving) Nerve Damage Over exertion of muscles/pulled muscles|W|P|112974113283153484|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/18/2005 06:59:00 AM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|Back Pain Relief - How to Help Relieve Back Pain During the Day For those of us that have desk jobs, the long 8-10 hour days can really be a strain on our mid and lower back, and many times even affects our necks. Let's face it, after a long day, sometimes just the soreness of your back and neck muscles can make you want to vegetate on the couch instead of get up and move around. In fact, sitting more after you get home from a desk job is the worst thing you can do. Much of the reason your back gets sore from long periods of sitting is poor posture, which causes irregular compression of you vertebrae, putting pressure on your "pain sensors" in you back. Good posture is definitely key to minimizing back pain, but getting up and walking around at least once an hour will also help to take the pressure off of your back area, and stretching should be done a few times a day too. A good stretch for lower back pain is to stand with your hands against a wall, kind of pushing yourself away with your hands but also pushing your back toward the wall, so it creates mutual resistance. Do this for at least ten seconds. This helps minimize the pressure on your back and regulate your spine again until the next stretch. You will even notice a warmer feeling after the stretch, and your muscless will de-tense as long as you do it in the proper form. More to come on back pain, since this is one of the most common problems today.|W|P|112964397908871009|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/17/2005 05:05:00 AM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|Testimonials from one of the top natural pain relievers Eazol: Eazol Testimonials "I'm a senior citizen who keeps active with things like hiking and camping. Still, there's no way I'm not going to have my share of aches and pains. When you're outdoors a lot, it makes sense to use something natural for what's bothering you. I take Eazol for stiffness and aches, and it helps me keep on the move. You can't ask for better than that."—H.N., Boulder, CO. "My body seems a little bit delicate, so I've had to live with one sort of pain or another practically my whole life. I used to think the strong thing to do was just try to outlast it. Instead, I felt really low, because the pain always seemed stronger than I was. Without even realizing it, I was seriously depressed. Because I always have some sort of pain, I need to take something for pain that's safe ! to keep taking, to get this pain monster under control. Eazol is it. Now, I've got a life."—P.N., Deerborn, MI. "I have joint pain, and the pain relievers I tried always upset my stomach. I started taking Eazol, and it really helped the pain. But the best thing is, my stomach finally feels normal. It must be Eazol's natural ingredients. Thank goodness!"—G.W., Witchita, KS. "I hurt my ankle playing football. I don't want to fill my body with chemicals, like a lot of athletes. I looked all over for something that would be safe to take, and I found Eazol. It works great! Now I'm telling everybody they need to try Eazol!" —R.Z., Gainesville, FL. "I'm an administrative assistant that has to use a computer constantly. Sometimes my wrists have gotten so sore, I felt practically crippled. I started taking Eazol, and I can hardly believe how much better my wrists feel. Eazol saved my job."—M.D., Green Bay, WI. "I've had back pain for years. I always use herbal supplements, because I believe in them and they work for me. I tried all sorts of herbal pain relief products, but none of them could control my back pain until I started using Eazol. This is the product I was looking for! Now I can live with my back, and I know that Eazol's safe, because it's natural."—A.L., Memphis, TN. "I get headaches, but I'm a busy executive, and I don't have time for that. I take Eazol so I can function, because it works. Also, it's safe, and the price is right. If you want a product that's cost effective and efficient, this is it."—E.K., New York, NY|W|P|112955096635745379|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/13/2005 09:11:00 AM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|What's an NSAID? NSAID stands for Non Steroidal Aniti Inflammatory Drug. An NSAID is one type of OTC or over the counter pain reliever, and is also available in stronger doses through prescription. Examples of OTC NSAIDs are Ibuprofen, Aleve, Ketoprophen and Aspirin. On the other hand, there is acetompinophen, which is not characterized as an NSAID. So, what's the difference? Acetompinophen, while providing fever reduction, does not provide protection against and reduction of swelling in areas of inflammation as NSAIDs do. Acetaminophen and NSAIDs also work a little differently in how they reduce the detection of pain by the human brain. NSAIDs relieve pain by inhibiting the production of hormonal-type substances that cause pain. These hormone like substances are called prostaglandins. Acetaminophen actually helps to inhibit the part of the brain that actually detects the feeling of pain, thereby "dulling" the pain to your senses, and making it more bearable. A lot of people find NSAIDs to be a better overall pain medicine, since they combine pain relief with anti-inflammatory properties, which can be used in all types of incidents of sore muscles, backaches, and they will also do the job on headaches most times as well. Two very high profile and powerful NSAIDs that were recently pulled from market citing unreasonable health hazards, are Vioxx and Celebrex. These were just a newer class of NSAIDs, called COX-2 Inhibitors.|W|P|112922057797747540|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/12/2005 09:30:00 AM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|Back Pain & Muscle Pain - Effective & Natural Pain Treatment Alternatives Pain and Stress. They seem almost to go hand in hand - not only in their negative connotation, but also in their biological causes and triggers. Back pain and muscle pain is typically caused by inflammation in the proximity where the pain originated, which in turn creates internal pressure, activating pain receptors in the nerve endings and sending the signal (registered as varying levels of discomfort) to the brain. Some people are born with a naturally higher tolerance to pain - what's been dubbed the "pain threshold". Then there are the rest of us, who have normal or low pain thresholds and if chronic back pain, muscle pain, or nerve related pain or illness were to be introduced into our lives, we would be forced to be a prisoner to "the bottle". The "bottle" being one of the many prescription painkillers or narcotics prescribed to so many suffering daily, chronic muscle pain and nerve related pain. So there must be a better way to control the pain, and manage it successfully without constant reliance on and possible addiction to prescription pain medication? And there is. Along with an excellent new naturopathic, herbal pain remedy recently introduced to consumers, there are several things you can do to manage pain effectively, and in turn even reduce stress and improve your overall mental and physical health - all of which are key factors in successful pain management. On of the best ways to manage stress and in turn reduce pain, is to employ some sort of low impact, muscle soothing exercise, like basic yoga, tai chi, or water aerobics. These types of exercises not only stretch the muscles and keep them limber and lithe, but they effectively "massage" and calm muscles, have very little impact on joints, strength the supportive muscles of the back, and can even help reduce inflammation in the body. The mind-body connection is very strong, there is no doubt - just start an exercise routine like this and I guarantee your mood, pain and anxiety virtually melt away. Exercise also releases and creates endorphins, which are a natural "antidote" to pain, stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression. The release of endorphins can actually reverse the negative effects these afflictions can have on your body. If you're a habitual exerciser, think of how you lethargic you feel after a few days of inactivity, and you'll understand this concept! Inactivity is one of the biggest underlying causes and perpetuators of worsening pain, lethargy, depression and anxiety. Meditation is also a great method to reduce pain, anxiety and the host of other undesirable problems so prevalent in America today. Like yoga, and other relaxation techniques, meditation allows you to focus only on you, your breathing, and your body. This faciliatates the "harmonizing" of the body and the mind, the ultimate feeling of well-being, vitality, and tranquility, all of which will help you manage pain and stress. This will keep your mind sharp, focused, and better able to deal with the daily stress life can sometimes bring. Combine these few simple lifestyle habits with the use of an effectively formulated herbal pain medication where needed, or even just employ these habits alone, and I guarantee, pain will not only be easier to cope with when it rears it's ugly head, but also will be reduced greatly in it's severity and frequency. It quite simply is a necessity to living pain free.|W|P|112913474387011409|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/11/2005 06:36:00 PM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|A Note About Managing Pain and Living a Healthy, Pain Free Life Managing chronic pain has become and integral part of today's older generation, who succumb to ailments such as the aches and pains associated with arthritis and osteoarthritis, nerve damage, and general muscle soreness associated with the aging of bodily tissue, ligaments and tendons. While the majority of the senior population are (in my opinion) over-prescribed pain management medications, there are an increasing number of people who know that there are other ways to manage pain. They are bucking the system, and they are managing their pain successfully, healthfully, and naturally. Prescription pain medications have been taken off the market at an alarming rate recently for healthy implications ranging from serious heart conditions to strokes. These NSAIDS, or anti inflammatories, such as Vioxx and Celebrex, were yanked from the shelves after a series of mysterious incidents in patients who had been taking the drug. Is it really worth it? An increasing number of Americans are saying no, and opting for natural methods to manage their pain, ranging from herbal pain medications to physical therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga and even meditation! Remember, for almost every medical condition, there are natural remedies that will help, you just need to know where to look...|W|P|112908145902572343|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com10/10/2005 09:57:00 AM|W|P|natural woman|W|P|About Alternative Medicine & Herbal Preparations Alternative medicine is gaining more attention every day. The idea that one can heal their body, prevent physical symptoms and even treat them - naturally - is very appealing. It is especially appealing in the wake of some alarming findings on popular prescription medications which resulted in them being pulled from shelves due to health hazards. While one should still approach alternative medicine with caution and thorough research, natural cures, remedies and herbal preparations still should be considered when researching the best options for treating various physical ailments that impact your quality of life. Still regarded with some skepticism in the medical community, there are undeniably some truly remarkable and tangible benefits to be garnered from herbal preparations, as testified by many users of the array of natural health products available today. Herbal remedies and alternative medicines can help treat and alleviate symptoms ranging from pain and menopause to acne and depression. Users of these herbal preparations and remedies most commonly are those who are health conscious, have had adverse reactions to traditional medications, or just have a holistic mindset and approach to their mental and physical health, longevity and proactivity in prevention. With it's increasing popularity and recognition, you are likely to see a rising number of new product offerings and also an increase in companies willing to put more money into research and development of new natural health products as their demand increases.|W|P|112896352509485256|W|P||W|P|djanine@gmail.com